Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
IncidentID(SystemGenerated) | string |
None. |
IncidentInternalID(SystemGenerated) | string |
None. |
IncidentTitle | string |
None. |
IncidentType | string |
None. |
LocationCode | string |
None. |
Location | string |
None. |
WouldyouliketosubmitaGeneralLiabilityClaim? | string |
None. |
GeneralLiabilityType | string |
None. |
Sub-incidentType | string |
None. |
DateOfIncident | date |
None. |
TimeOfIncident | string |
None. |
TimeUndetermined | string |
None. |
DayOfWeek | string |
None. |
WorkShift | string |
None. |
TimeWorkDayBegan | string |
None. |
HasPotentialToSerious | string |
None. |
DescriptionofIncident | string |
None. |
DateReportedToEmployer | date |
None. |
TimeReportedToEmployer | date |
None. |
OccurredonEmployersPremises | string |
None. |
ContractorInvolvedYN | string |
None. |
ContractorName | string |
None. |
ContractorDetails | string |
None. |
ContractorTrainedYN | string |
None. |
WasAssetinvolved | string |
None. |
Assets | string |
None. |
ConfirmSignificanceLevelIDOfIncident | string |
None. |
Wereindividualsinvolvedintheincident? | string |
None. |
Numberofinvolvedindividuals | string |
None. |
PersonDetails | Collection of PersonDetails |
None. |
EmployeeInvolvedYN | string |
None. |
PersonnelType | string |
None. |
EmployeeInvolved | string |
None. |
EmployeeId | string |
None. |
PayRateType | string |
None. |
EmployeeDepartment | string |
None. |
DoyouwanttoclassifyUnsupervisedContractEmployee? | string |
None. |
TypeofClientPersonnel | string |
None. |
ClientCompany | string |
None. |
NameofContractor | string |
None. |
NameofSubContractor | string |
None. |
IncidentOccurredonEmployersPremises | string |
None. |
AddressofIncidentLocation | string |
None. |
CityOfLocation | string |
None. |
County | string |
None. |
StateOfIncident | string |
None. |
ZipOfLocation | string |
None. |
Department | string |
None. |
LocationoftheIncident | string |
None. |
StoreManagerName | string |
None. |
StoreManagerPhone | string |
None. |
DistrictManagerName | string |
None. |
DistrictManagerPhone | string |
None. |
Wasanythingonfloor? | string |
None. |
Floorgroundscondition | string |
None. |
Incidentoccurinside/outside | string |
None. |
IfInsidestorewhere? | string |
None. |
IfInsidestorecause | string |
None. |
IfinStockroomwhere? | string |
None. |
IfOutsidestorewhere? | string |
None. |
IfOutsidestorecause | string |
None. |
Istherevideooftheincident? | string |
None. |
Ifvideonotobtainedwhy? | string |
None. |
IfEquipnotfunctionalWhy? | string |
None. |
Didtheincidentresultinanydamagetocompanyequipment? | string |
None. |
Pleasedescribeequipmentanddamage | string |
None. |
Didtheincidentresultinanystructuraldamage? | string |
None. |
Pleasedescribedamage | string |
None. |
Wastheincidentaresultoftheftorasecurityrelatedactivity? | string |
None. |
Pleasedescribetheftorsecurityrelatedincident | string |
None. |
Isthisanassaultorrobbery? | string |
None. |
Weretheresuspects? | string |
None. |
Werearrestsmade? | string |
None. |
Wasthereapolicereport? | string |
None. |
LossPreventionreport | string |
None. |
Askthemtotakephotographs | string |
None. |
Incidentlocationdiagrammade | string |
None. |
IsthisclaimaProductLiabilityclaim? | string |
None. |
NameofProduct | string |
None. |
ProductCode | string |
None. |
ManufacturersName | string |
None. |
ManufacturerAddress1 | string |
None. |
ManufacturerAddress2 | string |
None. |
ManufacturerCity | string |
None. |
ManufacturerState | string |
None. |
ManufacturerPostalCode | string |
None. |
ManufacturerPhone | string |
None. |
Pleaseprovideadetaildescriptionoftheproduct | string |
None. |
Wasstoreadvisedtoretaintheproduct? | string |
None. |
Isstoreincurrentpossessionofproduct? | string |
None. |
Briefdescriptionoffactsofloss | string |
None. |
Responsibilityforrotatingproduct | string |
None. |
LocalVenderProduct? | string |
None. |
VendorName | string |
None. |
VendorPhoneNumber | string |
None. |
WasemployeesenttoHospital/ClinictoreceiveMedicalTreatment? | string |
None. |
Hospital/Clinic Name | string |
None. |
HospitalAddress | string |
None. |
HospitalCity | string |
None. |
HospitalState | string |
None. |
HospitalPostalCode/ZipCode | string |
None. |
HospitalPhone | string |
None. |
HospitalFax | string |
None. |
Clinic/DoctorName | string |
None. |
Incident Severity ID | integer |
None. |
Incident Severity SIF | string |
None. |
Actual Severity | string |
None. |
ArethereanyWitnessesidentified? | string |
None. |
WitnessInformation | Collection of WitnessInformation |
None. |
ReportedBy | string |
None. |
Title | string |
None. |
ReporterPhoneNumber | string |
None. |
ReporterEmailAddress | string |
None. |
IncidentStatus | string |
None. |
CreatedBy | string |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
LastUpdatedBy | string |
None. |
LastUpdatedsDate | date |
None. |
InvestigationResponsibilityDetail | Collection of InvResponsibilityDetail |
None. |
InvestigationResponsibilityassigneeDetails | Collection of InvResponsibilityAssignee |
None. |
InvestigationquestionsDetails | Collection of InvestigationQuestionsDetails |
None. |
ContributingFactorsDetails | Collection of ContributingFactor |
None. |
5YDetails | Collection of _5WhyMethodology |
None. |
5Ys | Collection of Why |
None. |
RootCauseDetails | Collection of RootCause |
None. |
FinalrootcausestatementDetails | Collection of FinalrootCauseSTMT |
None. |
LessonsLearnedStatementDetails | Collection of LessonLearnedSTMT |
None. |
ActionItemsDetail | Collection of ActionItemsDetail |
None. |
ManagementreviewDetail | Collection of ManagementReviews |
None. |