Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Incident ID (System Generated) | string |
None. |
Incident Internal ID (System Generated) | string |
None. |
Incident Title (No Personal data to be entered) | string |
None. |
Incident Type | string |
None. |
Incident Date | date |
None. |
Time of Incident | string |
None. |
Time Undetermined | string |
None. |
Day of Week | string |
None. |
Reported By | string |
None. |
Reported By First Name | string |
None. |
Reported By Last Name | string |
None. |
Reported By Middle Name | string |
None. |
Work Shift | string |
None. |
Department | string |
None. |
Could this have resulted in a life altering injury or fatality? | string |
None. |
Describe what occurred to create the Near Miss? | string |
None. |
ContractorInvolvedYN | string |
None. |
ContractorName | string |
None. |
ContractorDetails | string |
None. |
ContractorTrainedYN | string |
None. |
WasAssetinvolved | string |
None. |
Assets | string |
None. |
Nearmiss Incident type | string |
None. |
Severity | string |
None. |
Was an Employee / Individual involved in the Incident? | string |
None. |
Personnel Type | string |
None. |
Employee / Individual Involved Name | string |
None. |
Employee / Individual Involved First Name | string |
None. |
Employee / Individual Involved Middle Name | string |
None. |
Employee / Individual Involved Last Name | string |
None. |
Employee / Individual Involved Prefix | string |
None. |
Employee Id | string |
None. |
Gender | string |
None. |
Occupation/Job Title | string |
None. |
Hire Date | date |
None. |
Pay Rate Type | string |
None. |
Time in Current job | string |
None. |
Time in Current Job Unit | string |
None. |
Employee / Individual Department | string |
None. |
Supervisor Name | string |
None. |
Supervisor First Name | string |
None. |
Supervisor Last Name | string |
None. |
Supervisor Middle Name | string |
None. |
Supervisor's Email | string |
None. |
Type of Employment | string |
None. |
Name of Contractor | string |
None. |
Name of Sub-Contractor | string |
None. |
Are there any Witness identified? | string |
None. |
Witness Information | Collection of WitnessOutboundDetails |
None. |
Incident Status | string |
None. |
Created By | string |
None. |
Created By ID | string |
None. |
Created Date | date |
None. |
Last Updated By | string |
None. |
Last Updated Date | date |
None. |
Root Cause Details | Collection of RootCause |
None. |
5Y Details | Collection of _5WhyMethodology |
None. |
5Ys | Collection of Why |
None. |
Investigation Responsibility Details | Collection of InvResponsilbilityDetails |
None. |
Investigation Responsibility assignee Details | Collection of InvResponsebilityAssignee |
None. |
Investigation questions Details | Collection of InvestigationQuestionsDetails |
None. |
Final root cause statement Details | Collection of FinalrootCauseSTMT |
None. |
Action Items Details | Collection of ActionItemsDetails |
None. |
Contributing Factors Details | Collection of ContributingFactor |
None. |
Location | string |
None. |
Location ID | integer |
None. |
Location Code | string |
None. |
Length Of Normal Work Day | string |
None. |
Time Work Day Began | string |
None. |
US Location YN | integer |
None. |
Personnel Type Id | integer |
None. |
Nearmiss Incident Type Id | integer |
None. |
Potential Secction YN | integer |
None. |
Display Cause YN | integer |
None. |
Management Review Details | Collection of ManagementReview |
None. |
ManagementReviewStatus | string |
None. |
Incident Severity ID | integer |
None. |
Incident Severity SIF | string |
None. |
Actual Severity | string |
None. |
Potential Secction YN | string |
None. |
Display Cause YN | string |
None. |
RIDDOR Classification | Collection of RiddorClassificationDetails |
None. |